One of the most frustrating things about working in medical collections is waiting for patients to pay their bills and cycling forward. You have your own expenses, such as paying doctors and nurses, electricity, water, and even rent on an office building. However, you can’t make those payments if your patient collection rates are below target. iConnect is a patient engagement platform that gives patients detailed, real-time invoice information, that allows for an increase your patient collection rates.


People like to know where their money is going. By providing patients detailed and real-time invoice information, patients can see exactly what they are paying for regarding their doctor’s visit. When people see what they are paying for and have a good understanding of everything on their bill, they are more likely to make their payments.

Fast Communication

iConnect allows patients to talk on the phone, email, or chat with someone instantly about their medical bill. Streamlined communication gives patients quick answers, leading to faster payment times.

Customizable Payment Plans

Patients using iConnect are able to customize a payment plan that works for them. Patients can choose how much they want to pay and how often they want to make a payment. In addition to this, patients select their preferred communication channel. By allowing patients to create a plan tailored for their specific needs, they are more likely to make their payments.

iConnect Increases patient collections rate

Text messaging and a robust online payment portal makes collecting patient fees a snap. Combining faster payments with a dashboard, allows your company to track payments that are coming in, aged accounts, and delinquent accounts gives your company an edge. iConnect is a solution based product for both the patient and the collection process. Save time while increasing patient engagement and satisfaction with iConnect. Get your demo today.